Saturday, 14 January 2012

2012 Updates and changes.

Of recent weeks I’ve had a lot floating around in my head. So much so, I have found it hard to write a structured blog. So, I’m determined to write my thoughts down regardless of how it appears.

 To begin, 2012 is going to be a great year. I have pretty much locked down all my races for the season and I’m happy with what I have chosen. It’s a real mix but the triathlon’s definitely out weight everything else. This season I’ve decided to add some sprint and Olympic distant races along with the usual 70.3 leading into the Ironman. Last year I trained countless hours day after day only to unfortunately fall sick and end the season managing only to finish one triathlon. That hurts and was very frustrating. I enjoy the training, but I love racing and I find racing the shorter distances throughout the season breaks up the long tedious hrs spent swim,biking or running. It also gives me confidence and points out anything I need to work on for the big races later on in the year.

   Gaining some confidence with a win in my AG at Muskoka Sprint Triathlon

   This year I’m training for Ironman Canada. Let’s hope I get there!! For some reason I feel as if I’m not supposed to actually get to the start line let alone finish an Ironman. Last year so close yet so far and back in 2009 I burnt myself out leading up to the Australian Ironman. My fingers are crossed, because unless things change I’m not getting any younger and I want to fit as many Ironmans in as possible.
 My goal at IM Canada is top 3. It’s a strong age group and going by the athletes registered it’s a strong line up. I like to set high goals. As I’ve said I have never toed the start line let alone finished so to aim for top 3 may be a little bold but not in my eyes. I’m going to be disappointed if it doesn’t happen. Ironman is it own kettle of fish. I no plenty of athletes who have raced many an Ironman and are still trying to work it out. I also no that I’m going to learn a lot out there. But I haven’t had my eyes shut for the last 6 years training for them. I’ve learnt a great deal from the training I have done and I’m confident I no what it takes to win. Let’s just wait and see.

 A new thing this year is to really focus on recovery, keeping the body healthy and the mind strong.  I’m all for the compression this year. I’m going to be racing in the compression socks and I’m going to be training and recovering in them. I’ve been reading a lot about the pros, cons of compression wear, and I’m confident it does make a difference. Stay tuned I’ll let you no how that works out. Stretching has been a real weak point for me since day dot. I’m taking the time to stretch after my training sessions and this can only benefit me come race day. Throwing in some Hot Yoga classes will help with that also. Over the years, I have focused too much on just getting the job done and neglecting the recovery, this year that changes.

 An update on my health and training, all good!! Touchwood I’ve had no recent problems with my Colitis and my training across the board has been coming along well. I’m happy with my progress in the pool, I’m a couple of sessions into the bike now, and my running is starting to take shape under the guidance of Steve. First race will be Grimbsy Half at the end of February where I hope to run a pretty slick time.

Lastly, I will be finishing my blogs with a product review this week is CLIF BAR’S
Builders Protein bar. It’s entirely natural protein bar, with no trans fats, and contains 23 vitamins and minerals. It’s a great pre or post workout snack that tastes great in an assortment of flavors to suit anyone’s needs.

Happy Training.
