My title is one of my favorite quotes. Back home, I used to wake up to those words staring me in the face. Why is it my title? Well this week has been hell. The colitis has been in full force with a flare up that is continuing to hang around and my mouth ulcers have all but stopped me from eating. For me it is very hard to deal with. I like to be active and continually pushing myself whether it is at work or training. However, the flare up tends to leave you weak and tied and in no real shape to do anything productive.
Unfortunately, I had to cancel running the Pumpkin Summit 8k this morning due to my current issues instead opting to hit the trails for a beautiful fall hike. I was unable to train all week and after struggling in my last couple of races, I would let this one pass and focus on getting healthy again.
Tomorrow is a day filled with Doctors appointments. Two weeks ago, I started to see a Naturopath. It has been interesting to say the least and has definitely put a different spin on Ulcerative Colitis and ways of dealing with it. The Doctor is confident in saying I will never have another mouth ulcer again and will never have another flare up. His goal is to have me off the drugs ASAP. It has made for some extreme changes in my diet. No dairy, no coffee, no BEER or wine, soft drink, juice, just water- two and half liters a day I might add. I’m finding it difficult but in the same breath I’m sticking to it and slowly but surely getting used to it. I want this to work and work fast!
I’m also off to see a podiatrist about a foot issue I have had for a number of years that has progressively got worse. It is really affecting my running and everyday movement for that matter. My osteopath thinks I have a fracture around the left metacarpal area. It is very painful and I haven’t been able to take a proper stride in a long time. So hopefully this can be sorted tomorrow and it will be one less problem to worry about.
On a brighter note this week, I will be resuming my swimming training and starting hot yoga. I have never tried yoga of any kind before so this will be a new beginning and a new challenge. I have heard it’s not that easy! I also got to catch up with Steve from, during the week to sort out the start of my training program for my running. Therefore, I will look to get back into the running side of things early next week and continue to build on that during the off-season.
As for racing, I have one more this year the Egg Nog Jog, which I am looking forward to. Not sure how I’m going to approach it, but chances are I won’t have the fitness required to give it a hard effort so I’ll look at it as a fun run in weather better suited for sitting by the fire drinking hot chocolate!